Three decades of packaging sustainability


“Our company below the Orlické Mountains is located in a region full of traditions, where historic and cultural monuments are sensitively set in a beautiful landscape. We appreciate these values and are not indifferent to the environment in which we live. That’s why we supply the market with packaging systems mainly made of paper and corrugated cardboard, and when paper cannot be used, we try to find the most environmentally friendly option.” Ing. Ladislav Horčička, the founder of the company.

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In the thirty years we have been in the packaging market, the world around us has changed beyond recognition. Back then, few people could even explain concepts such as ecology or sustainability.

Today, the situation is completely reversed and almost everyone is trying to be sustainable and socially responsible, at least on paper. In some cases, however, this seems almost inappropriate: after all, how could a textile factory based in Bangladesh be sustainable?

As time went by

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... history


Founding of Servisbal

Founding of a company with a clear vision. From the beginning we have been producing paper packaging as a more environmentally friendly alternative to plastic.


Start of cooperation with Ranpak
FillPak and PadPak systems – fillers for paper boxes, eco-friendly solution, fillers and boxes form single-material packaging.


Material and machine Kartofix

A system for the production of packaging fillers, which are made from cartons that are no longer needed.


Worldstar for Packaging Award
World-class eco-friendly corrugated cardboard packaging.


We launch the first online shop with packaging in the Czech Republic

The basis of the online shop assortment is corrugated cardboard packaging – flap boxes, mailing envelopes, Kartofix and others.


Servisbal becomes the exclusive representative of INKA – eco-friendly pallets

Sale of pallets with PEFC certification – wood for their production was obtained from sustainably managed forests.


Creation of the Rotobal project, an online shop with used boxes

The Second Life of a Box. A project that puts used or no longer needed boxes back into circulation.


We identify ourselves with the criteria of ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016

Sustainable development becomes a fundamental part of the company’s strategy.


Production of unique corrugated cardboard and paper spools

Beginning production of paper spools, replacing the original plastic spools. Paper spools are very easy to recycle.


Packaging for headlamps made of corrugated cardboard

We produce many variants of packaging for headlamps, all made of corrugated cardboard. For this solution we won another Worldstar award.


Purchase of flexographic printing technology

Printing with water-based inks, minimising the negative impact on the environment.


We start supplying the market with Speedboxes

Eco-friendly mailing boxes that allow goods to be sent back – reusing the packaging.


Definition of eco-friendly packaging in the online shop

We allow customers to choose a more eco-friendly packaging option.


Development of the EKOBOX eco-friendly box

The packaging closes without gluing.
This box won the 2020 Packaging of the Year award.


We know our carbon footprint

Calculating Servisbal’s carbon footprint using PackSynergy’s methodology.


We support environmental projects

We are the main partner of the #nejsemprase initiative.


Double win in the Worldstar competition

Eco-friendly packaging for chargers and transport packaging for glass doors of freezer boxes.

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Faith in corrugated cardboard

We dedicated our packaging design to corrugated cardboard. It is great to work with and meets our strict ecological requirements.

Nejčastější dotazy

Tím, že se aktivně zabýváte ekologickými aktivitami (např. tříděním odpadů), pomáháte životnímu prostředí. Zvyšujete šanci žít současné i budoucí generaci v komfortních podmínkách.

Za nedodržování některých ekologických principů navíc hrozí sankce, kvůli nenaplňování platných legislativních norem.

Uhlíková stopa je suma vypuštěných skleníkových plynů vyjádřená v CO2 ekvivalentech. Toto měřítko lze aplikovat na veškerou činnost a produkty. Může se týkat jedince, výrobku nebo akce. 

Snahu o snížení uhlíkové stopy může firma vyvinout v rámci firemních projektů a nemusí se jednat zrovna o projekty certifikované. Pomůže třeba jen lokální “mini-projekt”, jako je sběr odpadků v okolí firmy.
Ale především záleží na každém jedinci zvlášť, jak k této problematice přistupuje. Třídím odpad? Nemohu nijak omezit spotřebu papíru? Jakým způsobem se dopravuji do zaměstnání? I takové zdánlivě banální záležitosti ovlivňují stopu CO2.

V náročnějších případech si jako firma můžete od certifikované společnosti nechat vypočítat množství vyprodukovaných emisí. Tyto emise lze pak následně kompenzovat investicemi do projektů na ochranu klimatu (např. do zalesňování). 

Vlnitá lepenka je vyrobena z přírodních, biologicky rozložitelných materiálů, jako jsou papírová vlákna a organické škrobové lepidlo. Je tedy rozložitelná bez negativních následků pro životní prostředí. Plast je materiál vyrobený z ropných derivátů a v přírodě je téměř nerozložitelný, jedná se bohužel o jeden z největších znečišťovatelů životního prostředí. Proto je nutné jej třídit, aby docházelo k jeho recyklaci a negativní následky pro biodiverzitu byly co nejvíce eliminovány.

EKO-KOM je autorizovaná obalová společnost, založená v r. 1997 průmyslovými podniky vyrábějícími balené zboží. Tato nezisková akciová společnost vytvořila a efektivně provozuje celorepublikový systém, který zajišťuje třídění, recyklaci a využití obalového odpadu na kvalitní evropské úrovni. Pro celý komplex souboru činností zajišťovaných společností se ujal název „Systém EKO‑KOM.”

Společnost také poskytuje řadu podpůrných projektů podporujících obce a firmy ve sběru a třídění odpadů a aktivně se věnuje osvětové činnosti v této oblasti.
Více informací se dozvíte na stránkách EKO-KOMU.


By engaging in targeted environmental activities (e.g. waste sorting), you are helping the environment. You are increasing the chances of the present and future generations to live in comfortable conditions.

In addition, non-compliance with certain environmental principles is subject to sanctions due to non-compliance with applicable legislative standards.

The carbon footprint is the sum of released greenhouse gases expressed in CO2 equivalents. This measure can be applied to all activities and products. It can refer to an individual, a product or an event.

Efforts to reduce the carbon footprint can be made by a company as part of corporate projects and do not have to be certified projects. Just a local “mini-project”, such as collecting rubbish around the company, can help.

But above all, it depends on each individual how they approach this issue. Do I sort waste? Is there anything I can do to reduce my paper consumption? How do I get to work? Even such seemingly trivial matters affect the CO2 footprint.

In more demanding cases, you as a company can have a certified company calculate the amount of emissions you produce. These emissions can then be offset by investments in climate protection projects (e.g. afforestation).

Corrugated board is made from natural, biodegradable materials such as paper fibres and organic starch adhesive. It is therefore degradable without negative consequences for the environment.

Plastic is a material made from petroleum derivatives and is almost indestructible in nature, unfortunately it is one of the biggest polluters of the environment. It is therefore necessary to sort it so that it is recycled and the negative consequences for biodiversity are eliminated as much as possible.

EKO-KOM is an authorised packaging company, founded in 1997 by industrial companies producing packaged goods. This non-profit joint-stock company has created and effectively operates a nationwide system that ensures the sorting, recycling and recovery of packaging waste at a high European level. The name “EKO-KOMSystem”was adopted for the entire complex of activities provided by the company

The company also provides a number of support projects encouraging municipalities and companies to collect and sort waste and is actively involved in awareness-raising activities in this area.

More information can be found on EKO-KOM website.


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