Innovatively manufactured

6. Innovatively manufactured

The burden on the environment is greater the more the population grows. Unfortunately, even the rapid development of technology cannot eliminate all the negative elements that the production and disposal of packaging entails.
However, an optimal design solution that takes into account what the packaging will be used for can help.
Which product is the packaging designed to wrap?
Is it desirable to use it repeatedly?
What transport and climatic conditions will it face?
In what way will it be handled well?
These are just some of the issues that designers need to take note of.
The trend nowadays is to save both money and time.
However, this must not be at the expense of sustainability.
Packaging with innovative design features is continuously being developed for easy handling and time saving.  Easy to fold, ideally without the use of adhesive tapes. Material saving is an issue as well. Universal packaging is therefore being developed so that one type of packaging can be used for a larger product portfolio.


The development of packaging materials is not lagging behind either. We are constantly looking for ways to help the environment. We also encounter somewhat unconventional materials, e.g. packaging mixtures containing mycelium or grass. The effort to develop these alternatives has its justification and sense in terms of sustainability.

Real life examples

Innovative spool design for the winding of netting

Universal cardboard spools

Replacement of plastic and wood spools with corrugated cardboard. The spools are delivered and stored flat.

6. Innovatively manufactured

More about sustainable packaging

5 principles of eco-friendly packaging

The use of packaging in practice determines its sustainability as much as the packaging itself. We have defined and follow 5 basic procedures.


By engaging in targeted environmental activities (e.g. waste sorting), you are helping the environment. You are increasing the chances of the present and future generations to live in comfortable conditions.

In addition, non-compliance with certain environmental principles is subject to sanctions due to non-compliance with applicable legislative standards.

The carbon footprint is the sum of released greenhouse gases expressed in CO2 equivalents. This measure can be applied to all activities and products. It can refer to an individual, a product or an event.

Efforts to reduce the carbon footprint can be made by a company as part of corporate projects and do not have to be certified projects. Just a local “mini-project”, such as collecting rubbish around the company, can help.

But above all, it depends on each individual how they approach this issue. Do I sort waste? Is there anything I can do to reduce my paper consumption? How do I get to work? Even such seemingly trivial matters affect the CO2 footprint.

In more demanding cases, you as a company can have a certified company calculate the amount of emissions you produce. These emissions can then be offset by investments in climate protection projects (e.g. afforestation).

Corrugated board is made from natural, biodegradable materials such as paper fibres and organic starch adhesive. It is therefore degradable without negative consequences for the environment.

Plastic is a material made from petroleum derivatives and is almost indestructible in nature, unfortunately it is one of the biggest polluters of the environment. It is therefore necessary to sort it so that it is recycled and the negative consequences for biodiversity are eliminated as much as possible.

EKO-KOM is an authorised packaging company, founded in 1997 by industrial companies producing packaged goods. This non-profit joint-stock company has created and effectively operates a nationwide system that ensures the sorting, recycling and recovery of packaging waste at a high European level. The name “EKO-KOMSystem”was adopted for the entire complex of activities provided by the company

The company also provides a number of support projects encouraging municipalities and companies to collect and sort waste and is actively involved in awareness-raising activities in this area.

More information can be found on EKO-KOM website.


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