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We provide a full packaging service

Since its inception, our company has been bound by a commitment to always provide customers with an excellent packaging service. To us, this means offering not only quality packaging, but also the impeccable customer service that comes with it. We are interested in what parameters the packaging should meet, and we try to design packaging solutions that meet the specific needs of our customers,

We always create packaging with regard to efficient storage and easy transport. Upon agreement with the customer, we can take over the client’s entire packaging management with deliveries that meet the exact needs of their respective production lines.
Are you interested in a full packaging service?

Design and development of packaging

We design packaging to suit your needs. Thanks to our experienced team of specialist designers, we can create the most suitable packaging solution according to your needs.

We try to reduce the cost of packaging by adapting it to all the logistic processes it will go through. Among required features include economical storage, easy handling, increased protection during shipment, etc. We also develop innovative lines of packaging specially adapted to the specific requirements of individual fields of business, such as e-shops
Before starting production, you will receive an actual functional sample of the packaging so that you can test out its functionality and select the most suitable option.

Packaging testing room and tests

We have a testing room for evaluating packaging properties. What happens to the consignment at a temperature of -20°C? And what if it falls from a 1.2m height onto the floor?

Our testing room provides reliable answers. Based on results, the packaging can easily be optimised to meet customer needs.

Drop tests: we can simulate and evaluate whether the packaging can withstand falls that pose a risk during transport.
Climatic tests: simulation of climatic influences.
Data logger: measurement of shocks and vibrations during transport.

We also perform load tests on packaging in the transport chain using a data logger that accurately records all influences during transport.

Analysis of packaging processes

Look for cost savings in packaging processes. Such processes mainly include warehousing, logistics, assembly and other handling of packaging. These processes related to the shipment of goods can account for up to 80% of the total cost of packaging. When creating custom packaging, we survey these additional costs, and after consulting with the customer, we try to reduce them to a minimum.

We also offer a complete logistics audit with a quantification of existing costs and an indication of packaging and process alternatives that will lead to savings. A specific option for savings is the automation of packaging, i.e. the partial or complete replacement of human labour by packaging machines.

Packaging processes often hide large reserves and offer space for cost savings. We design packaging that can significantly streamline the entire packing process.

Warehouse storage and logistics

We create packaging solutions in such a way that their storage and transport to customers is as space-saving as possible. If possible, transport to warehouses is always handled in a flat position. For the needs of palletising, we adjust the packaging so that the dimensions correspond to the pallet and do not protrude anywhere.

We have huge a storage capacity and we can keep packaging in stock even in the case of custom solutions and deliver it according to the customer’s production needs.
Efficient transport and storage are among the things where you can often save more than on the actual packaging itself.

Replacement of non-ecological materials

Corrugated cardboard is easy to recycle and does not burden the environment like plastics, which are often not properly recycled. Therefore, from an ecological standpoint, it is often desirable to replace plastic packaging with either paper or corrugated cardboard.

With the right construction solution, corrugated cardboard achieves similar strength and load-bearing parameters as seemingly stronger plastics or wood. In the case of non-returnable packaging, the outer packaging, i.e. the crate or box, is most often made of corrugated cardboard, and for easy recycling it is suitable that the fixation inside is also made of the same material.
We have many years of experience with successful solutions based on customer requirements for the replacement of various materials with corrugated cardboard. We can name, for example, cardboard spools or complex interlining fixations.

Complete packaging service

You can leave all your packaging worries to us. Servisbal offers all packaging logistics, including daily deliveries directly to the production line according to the customer’s production needs. Servisbal assumes all the responsibility for packaging; the customer can solely concentrate on production. The result is rationalisation of packaging management, simplification of the entire packaging process and, in the end, provable cost savings in the packaging management of the customer.
Operational logistics can save you money on personnel costs, inefficient warehousing, and complex logistics.

Real life examples

hlavni obr 3 1

Packaging set for automotive

The contracting authority’s request was to simplify the packaging process as much as possible and save operators’ work and warehouse space. Packing of control rods for the automotive industry required a large number of sub-tasks and significantly burdened the production workers. The large number of individual packaging components posed another complication.

Entire case study ->
We have helped many customers during our years in business.
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Servisbal obaly s.r.o.

Innovative solutions in the world of packaging

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